By Grace I witness to God’s action in my life and the communities in which I serve.


Parish ministry, journeying with a community towards the fullness of God’s Kingdom, is one of the great loves and blessings of my life. I seek to open spaces where the community can grow in awareness of God, a stronger faith in Jesus, and heightened sensitivity to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Experiencing God, we instinctively find ways to care for our neighbors. 


My passion for such ministry is grounded in a lifelong engagement with Christian spirituality, especially contemplative practice, and theological inquiry. This began with 20 years as a member of an Episcopalian monastic community, where I specialized in the study of the Christian mystics and contemplative spirituality, particularly Julian of Norwich. Training in counseling and therapy has sharpened my skills in providing spiritual direction facilitating training, and spaces for healing and growth. I call these ministries cultivating soul

Loving Kindness is the mIssion of EveryDay Life. 

My published writings explore the Christian contemplative and spiritual traditions, and the process of growing in our Faith. Throughout my life I have developed a specialized ministry for the cultivation of soul: spiritual direction, retreat leading and training facilitators for small group spiritual formation in a parish context. 

Adopting a phrase from Julian of Norwich, I understand my whole life as an education in love. I share more of the people and place that have meant so much to me on this journey here.

Jesus Came so that we might have soul.

The spiritual life is The Daily Commitment to cultivating Soul.

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